Although Frate’s Returns Management Software can be set-up self-serve, we strongly suggest booking a call with our engineering team to configure your portal to maximize your experience using Frate.

Book a call with the team here.

After installation of Frate Returns from the App Marketplace, follow the steps below to test your first return!

Add the Frate Portal to your Storefront

  1. Visit your Portal to make sure it exists (at the URL: "<YOUR_STORE_HASH>")
  2. Add your Frate Portal URL somewhere on your "Returns and Exchanges" page

Process a Test Return

  1. Create a test order and ensure it's marked as fulfilled
  2. Navigate to your Frate Portal
  3. Copy the order number and zip code from the test order and paste into the appropriate fields in the Frate Portal
  4. Step through the Frate Portal until your submit the return and see a confirmation screen
  5. Navigate to your Frate Dashboard to see the return you just processed
  6. If you see the return in your Frate Dashboard, then everything is working properly and you're all set!

If you have any further questions, reach out to [email protected].