Although Frate’s Returns Management Software can be set-up self-serve, we strongly suggest booking a call with our engineering team to configure your portal to maximize your experience using Frate.
Book a call with the team here.
After installation of Frate Returns from the App Marketplace, follow the steps below to test your first return!
Add the Frate Portal to your Storefront
- Visit your Portal to make sure it exists (at the URL: "<YOUR_STORE_HASH>")
- Add your Frate Portal URL somewhere on your "Returns and Exchanges" page
Process a Test Return
- Create a test order and ensure it's marked as fulfilled
- Navigate to your Frate Portal
- Copy the order number and zip code from the test order and paste into the appropriate fields in the Frate Portal
- Step through the Frate Portal until your submit the return and see a confirmation screen
- Navigate to your Frate Dashboard to see the return you just processed
- If you see the return in your Frate Dashboard, then everything is working properly and you're all set!
If you have any further questions, reach out to [email protected].